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Hair Transplant in Turkey

All in Inclusive Packages


Hair Transplant

Beard Transplant

Eye Brow Transplant

Woman Hair Transplant

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Our Team

Yeliz Tan

Hair Transplant Specialist

Kübra Akkurt

Hair Transplant Nurse

Hatice Erden

Hair Transplant Nurse

Esra Özkan

Hair Transplant Nurse


Yes, it is possible to achieve completely natural-looking hair with the experience of the surgeon performing the procedure, the suitability of the person for the operation and a correct planning. No one will understand that you have undergone the procedure in a hair transplant where the correct distribution is made in the donor and transplant area.

With the anesthetic drugs and application methods developed today, pain is not felt during hair transplantation unless there are extreme situations. During the injection of anesthetic drugs, temporary and short-term pain may occur. However, most of these are just second-to-second pains felt at the moment of injecting the drug. After the injection of the drug, the area becomes numb within 5-10 minutes and no pain is felt during the operation. In addition, patients should be prepared for pain psychologically. It is necessary to explain in detail the applications to be made before the procedure, and to reduce the stress control of the patients with excessive stress by the physician with the help of oral or medication. Painless local anesthesia is now possible with our painless anesthesia device.

Although the recovery rate of people is different, the first wash is usually done on the 24 hours after the procedure. After the first wash, redness and crusting may occur in the areas where the hair transplant is made and hair follicles are taken. There is no problem in returning to your normal life after the operation, provided that you do not engage in excessive physical activity and aesthetic expectations.

Yes, temporary spills may occur in planting and receiving areas. Healthy hair follicles may suffer minor damage during harvesting and planting. This is a completely temporary situation and causes patients to panic. But in general, this situation returns to normal within 3 months, and your hair in the treated areas returns to the normal growth process together with your transplanted hair.

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